“Tarot” (2024), a supernatural horror film. It was released on May 3, 2024. The film is directed by Spencer Cohen and Anna Helberg. It stars Harriet Slater, Adain Bradley, Avantika Vandanapu, and Jacob Batalon. “Tarot” is rated PG-13 for horror violence, some bloodshed, and strong language.
Tarot movie vegamovies
Movie: Tarot
Release Year: 2024
Language: Hindi, English
Cast: Various
Movie Quality: HD
Watch Online: Available
Country: USA
- A group of college friends gather for a harmless night of fun, using a peculiar tarot deck.
- Big mistake! They inadvertently unleash an evil entity trapped within the cards.
- One by one, the friends face gruesome deaths predicted by their tarot readings.
- They must race against time to break the curse and escape their deadly fate.
Reviews for “Tarot” have been mostly average. Some viewers loved the creepy visuals and shocking scenes, while others found the plot predictable and lacking in originality.
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